22 Dec

I finally succumbed to temptation and bought Mia 2 four days ago at Sephora, KLCC at 10% discount. A friend of mine wrote a short note about it on Instagram and I was bought into the idea straight away, especially when she said 3 of her friends are also using Mia 2 and are loving it very much. Haih…cepatnya terpengaruh! The other thing is, I’m lazy with facials so I thought ‘why not?’. Besides, even Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz and Gisele Bundchen rave about Mia 2!! Okay okay, I didn’t care much about that, as if Mia 2 is gonna transform you into Bundchen, right? The truth is, I have been contemplating about Mia 2 for the longest time. It seems like interesting invention for lazy bums like me.

I’m not planning to tell you much about it yet as I always get hyped about almost anything and everything in the early phase. As this is an expensive item, I thought I spare some of you ‘ yang juga mudah terpengaruh’ from my ‘baru- beli syndrome’ !!



If you have used the Clarisonic for some time, do share with me your thoughts. Another dupe for this would be Olay’s, it is very much cheaper. So if you do own one, do tell me if you liked it. I  will tell you my thoughts on Mia 2 at least after 2 weeks of use. Fair enough kan ?


5 Responses to “CLARISONIC : Mia 2”

  1. Sha December 23, 2013 at 01:53 #

    I luv Mia 2. It cleanse my face thoroughly and I have not check in for facials since early this yr. Yes its expensive but its worth d money. 2 of my sisters bought Mia 2 as well and they both loved it. my eldest had some tiny bumps the first time she used it and almost sold it off to her friend until she read it was just temporary.

    I must say my tone is better with clarisonic and I also dont break out as often compared to before. my serums gets absorbed better too. i must say my skin is the best it has ever been for a long time!!

    good luck doc!

    • zavanitydresser December 27, 2013 at 11:35 #

      The reason why it took me so long to buy it..sebab takut naik jerawat laa. the promoter told me to use it every other day first ,but i pakai 2 kali sehari. But yeah , feels clean. I hope I get the same good result like you/

  2. lindabalqis December 26, 2013 at 15:47 #

    Hi here…
    I teringat ms belajar dulu… penah minta my mom belikan pore cleanser from Phillips (yg macam vacum tu….)
    Disebabkan sindrom senang terpengaruh tu la… hahaha….
    luckily… jenis mesin scrub mcm ni i dah beli dulu.. rsnya brand Watsob.. hahaha.. kalau x.. kan dh terpengaruh…

    • zavanitydresser December 27, 2013 at 11:33 #

      HI Linda,
      I pun pernah beli brand watson tu …rasanya head brush ada pelbagai jenis. Siap buat facial kat orang guna alat tu..hahahha

      • lindabalqis December 27, 2013 at 11:35 #

        Hahaha… mmg memula niat beli pun konon nak buat bisnes facial kat kenkawan kolej. Haha.. siap beli steamer lg… hahaha…

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