Archive | February, 2013

DIY : Cinnamon Mask & Spot Treatment

22 Feb

Inexpensive and natural. Nothing beats DIYs straight from your kitchen. Suffice to know that if all skincare companies in the world close down (as if that would ever happen :p), rest assure that your grocery store can fix your skin issues! 🙂

I did a post on DIY using Aspirin, 2 weeks ago and the feedback from my readers were very interesting. I have previously tried some of the tips they mentioned with variable results, but somehow I was prompted to give cinnamon another try. The thing about cinnamon is that I was always too lazy to grate it, so I only used it when I could get my mom to do it for me (spoil brat I know..I know :p).

I did a little research about skincare and cinnamon with Dr. Google and found out that it is widely known across the globe and indeed a popular DIY tip! Silly me, I thought only the Malays do this (coz I imagined ‘makcik-makcik’ and my mom grating the cinnamons :p ) * slaps face. Haih!


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Hormonal Acne

21 Feb

Huhh!! My first zits of 2013, just great!!! It has been a while and mind you, im not even done with its evil sister-the scars! At 34 and still breaking out, not funny you guys!  Must be my recent insomnia, that time of the month and stress, occuring at the same time and all gang-up against me. 1,2 and …another one, 3..sigh!!

I blame those whacky hormones!! I know some people feel that it is a misconception that hormones cause acne, I really believe so anyway. Of course, it may not be a direct trigger, but it is somehow related.

The thing is, my skin is no longer as oily . In fact, I have combination skin now and sometimes, it gets dry. So how does hormones affect our skin? In simpler words, hormones are powerful substance in our body, it does so many things (people can even be cuckoo because of hormones okay, and then you guessed them right – PMS :p) . There is a surge of androgens, the male hormones during premenstrual stage. It affects the sebum productions and even increase the number of Propionibacterium acnes (the bacteria that causes acne ) in our skin apart from causing skin inflammation (Amercan Academy of Dermatology).

Unlike acne caused by oily skin, hormonal acne tends to occur over the chin and along the jawline. Exactly what Im having!

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Make up Brush Cleanser : A Cheap Solution

17 Feb

While I’m at it, I might as well do a quick post on cleansing make-up brush the cheaper way. My first make-up brush was MAC 190, and yes, the MAC staff did try to persuade me to buy the cleanser as well…and yes, she was successful :p . I must admit that I didn’t quite like the cleanser, it was an effort to remove the foundation off the brush especially when I have kept it for days after use. I found that soaking the brush for a good 10 minutes helped but to soak it, you do need quite a lot of the cleanser. And yes, the cleanser is pricey and now that I have quite a number of brushers ( and been washing it more frequently) the cleanser is likely to rip me off my money (I might as well use the money on myself rather than my brushes!)


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Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities . Seize common occasions and make them great ! ~ Orison Swett Marden


The (mis)adventures of me coping with mommyhood and life..